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Siren Collection

Venus Collection

Lilith Collection

Inspired by the legend of Lilith, Adam’s first wife,

this collection encapsulates Lilith’s pursuit of

independence and freedom.

Dewy Prelude Collection

Celebrate the beauty and sensuality of nature.

Femme Fatale Collection

L'enfer, C'est Les Autres Collections 

“Hell is other people”, Sartre once said.

May these jewels be a constant reminder

to believe in your self-perception,

and to break free from the gaze of others.

Selene Collection

Inspired by the moon goddess Selene,

this collection celebrates the ever-changing beauty

of the moon — a metaphor for embracing ourselves

as we change and evolve throughout our lives.

Amor Fati Collection

Love the weight of the setting sun

As you love the lightness of floating clouds.

Use coupon code WELCOME10 for 10% off your first order.


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